Médecin radiologue retraité après 41 ans de pratique sénologique, Bernard Duperray est l’un des chercheurs les plus conséquents parmi ceux qui remettent en cause le dépistage du cancer du sein par mammographie. Il vient de publier «Le dépistage des cancers du sein et son objectif, un diagnostic plus précoce pour mieux guérir: un leurre pervers ?» sur le site Cancer Rose. A lire absolument.
The average tumor size at diagnosis has been declining but one cannot see any drastic drop in mortality. Where a decline in mortality is observed, it is the same among screened and unscreened women. There is no decline in advanced forms nor in the number of total mastectomy. Epidemiological studies generated by screening provided evidence of its failure far above clinical findings. Trying to obtain an early diagnosis by screening mammography is an illusion.
In addition, the setting up of mass screening revealed a significant pernicious effect: overdiagnosis and its corollary, overtreatment. Overdiagnosis is an explanation of the contradiction between the apparent success of the treatment on so called early diagnosed cancer thanks to screening and the absence of significant mortality reduction within the population.
The need for a new definition of the cancerous breast disease and its natural history becomes evident.