The crossroads between Evidence Based Medicine and investigation: Re-Check training day in Fribourg (Switzerland)
With Catherine Riva and Serena Tinari (Re-Check), Thomas Angeli (Lobbywatch), Manolo Luppichini (reporter) and Prof. Thierry Buclin (Division de toxicologie et de pharmacologie clinique, CHUV, Lausanne).
- Panel Re-Check “Investing Health Affairs”, with Serena Tinari and Catherine Riva ©Manolo Luppichini
- Patrick Vallélian, chairman of Sept.info, co-organizer ©Manolo Luppichini
- Serena Tinari Re-Check ©Manolo Luppichini
- Catherine Riva Re-Check
- Panel Lobbywatch “Lobbying and conflicts of interest in swiss parliament”, Thomas Angeli, Lobbywatch ©Manolo Luppichini
- Prof Thierry Buclin, Division de Pharmacologie et de toxicologie cliniques, CHUV © Manolo Luppichini
- Panel “Academic experts” Prof Thierry Buclin ©Manolo Luppichini